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Die MacArtney Germany GmbH (vormals MBT GmbH) ist ein Vertriebs- und Beratungsbüro für Meeres- und Unterwassertechnik mit Sitz in Kiel.

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MacArtney Germany hosts GMT Event "Meet the Members"

19.03.2025 [ ]

On February 27th, MacArtney Germany GmbH had the privilege of hosting a GMT - Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V. event called "Meet the Members" in our facility in Kiel.

MacArtney Germany has been an active member of the GMT network for over twenty years, and Torsten Turla is a key board participant.

Approximately 50 guests from the maritime community, including other companies and research institutions, got together to exchange and develop ideas and knowledge of maritime applications and generate value in green maritime technology.

The topic of green technology was further enhanced by a special guest, Arved Fuchs, an ocean and polar expedition adventurer who has been active for almost 40 years. He presented his current and future expeditions for the "ocean change" project.

Torsten gave a detailed introduction to MacArtney Germany, the MacArtney Group, and our past and present projects, including our products, services, and capabilities in maritime technology.

As part of the event, all toured the facilities, including the oceanographic calibration lab and hydrographic workshop. Furthermore, several systems were shown and explained to all participants.